iNEMI Meetings at IPC APEX EXPO 2009

March 31, 2009

APEX Free Forum FF02 — iNEMI Technology Roadmap

iNEMI Technology Roadmap Keynote, Jim McElroy (iNEMI)
2009 Board Assembly Roadmap, Chuck Richardson (iNEMI)

PVC Alternatives Initiative

Agenda and Overview, Scott O'Connell (Dell)
Goals and Scope, Scott O'Connell (Dell)

Eco-Impact Evaluator for ICT Equipment Initiative

Agenda and Overview, Tom Okrasinski (Alcatel-Lucent), Todd Myers (Cisco)]
SOW Development, Tom Okrasinski (Alcatel-Lucent), Todd Myers (Cisco)
April 1, 2009
HFR-Free Leadership Program Meeting, Bob Pfahl (iNEMI), Stephen Tisdale (Intel Corporation)
   -  PCB Material, John Davignon (Intel Corporation)
   -  Signal Integrity, Stephen Hall (Intel Corporation)

April 2, 2009

APEX Free Forum FF06 — iNEMI Pb-Free Forum

Agenda and Introduction, Chuck Richardson (iNEMI)
Pb-Free Wave Soldering Project, Denis Barbini (Vitronics Soltec)
BFR-Free High Reliability Project, Stephen Tisdale (Intel Corporation)
HFR-Free Technology Leadership Projects, Stephen Tisdale (Intel Corporation)
April 3, 2009

iNEMI TIG Presentations

The following are summaries from the various TIG meetings that took place March 30 and April 1.  These presentations were given to the iNEMI Technical Committee Meeting:
Board Assembly TIG, Ian Williams (Intel Corporation)
Board and Systems Manufacturing Test TIG, Rosa Reinosa (Hewlett-Packard Company)
Medical TIG, Anthony Primavera (Micro Systems Engineering, Inc.)
Optoelectronics TIG, Brian Roche (Cisco Systems, Inc.)
Organic Packaging Substrates TIG, Hamid Azimi (Intel Corporation)
Organic PCB TIG, John Davignon (Intel Corporation)