Section: 5G/6G MAESTRO

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Urmi Ray (iNEMI), Principal Investigator (urmi.ray@inemi.org)

iNEMI was awarded $290,865 from the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST’s) Advanced Manufacturing Technology Roadmap (MFGTech) Program under the NIST Office of Advanced Manufacturing (Federal ID number: 70NANB22H050).
iNEMI is one of seven organizations receiving MFGTech grants totaling $2.08 million to develop manufacturing technology roadmaps to strengthen U.S. innovation and productivity across entire industry sectors.

Other Industry Roadmaps 

NIST Microelectronic and Advanced Packaging Technologies (MAPT) Roadmap / Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC)

Manufacturing Roadmap for Heterogeneous Integration and Electronics Packaging (MRHIEP) / UCLA / SEMI

IEEE Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap

iNEMI Roadmap


Roadmap Focus

iNEMI, along with several industry and academic partners, is developing the 5G/6G mmWave Materials and Electrical Test Technology Roadmap (5G/6G MAESTRO) as part of the NIST Advanced Manufacturing Technology (MFGTech) Roadmap Program. The goal is to create a foundation of knowledge and expertise in the U.S. to support the development and manufacturing of leading edge 5G and 6G products. 

MAESTRO will be a comprehensive 10-year hardware roadmap for mmWave materials characterization and testing. It will focus on the top two gaps in 5G materials development and testing as defined in various industry reports: high-speed/ultra-low loss materials (availability, testing and characterization) and electrical testing and standardization. The technology scope includes:
  • Characterization
  • Materials development
  • Electrical test
  • Manufacturing scale-up
  • Workforce development
This 18-month roadmapping project that began on May 1, 2022 and will be completed by September 30, 2023. 

See links to publications and reports below.

Roadmap Partners

A cross-functional team of partners brings together large and small manufacturers, materials companies, university-based research institutions, and consortia to ensure that the roadmap accurately captures technology requirements over the next 15 years and reflects the views of all stakeholders. 

3DGS Florida International University Nantero
3M Georgia Institute of Technology NIST
Applied Materials iNEMI Panasonic Industry
Arizona State University Intel Penn State University
Binghamton University ITRI Qorvo
Dell Keysight Technologies QWED
Dow liloTree TechSearch International
DuPont Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of Illinois Chicago
  Mosaic Microsystems Zestron America


Publications & Reports

Roadmaps xxxxxxxxxxxxx MAESTRO Presentations
Workshops & Webinars)

Low Loss Dielectric Materials Characterization Roadmap (April 2023)

Materials Development & Electrical Test Roadmap  (September 2023)

MAESTRO Implementation Strategy (September 2023)
  5G/6G mmWave Materials & Electrical Test Technology Roadmap Workshop: Gaps & Challenges (September 8, 2022)   

MAESTRO Workshop: Next-Generation Materials & Testing Needs and mmWave System Design & Analysis (February 9, 2023)

Workshop on Advanced Packaging and its Impact on mmWave Applications 
Sponsored by iNEMI and ZESTRON Corporation
Hosted by ZESTRON Americas
November 7, 2023 | Manassas, Virginia USA



erence Presentations
Market Assessment, TechSearch International, Inc.(December 2022)                iNEMI Workshop at International Microwave Symposium: mmWave Permittivity Standard Reference Material Development (June 14, 2023)  
System Design Analysis, Florida International University (December 2022)  
5G/6G mmWave Materials and Electrical Test Technology (5G/6G MAESTRO),” Urmi Ray (iNEMI), pre-symposium tutorial on NIST-sponsored roadmaps, IEEE Symposium on Heterogeneous Integration (February 22, 2023; Milpitas, California)
Identification of Next-Generation Dielectric Materials and Testing Needs, Georgia Institute of Technology (December 2022)  
iNEMI / MAESTRO Invited Session at iMAPS 19th International Conference & Exhibition on Device Packaging: 5G/6G Roadmap Creation and Packaging Challenges (March 14, 2023; Fountain Hills, Arizona USA) 
Press Releases  
iNEMI / MAESTRO Invited Session at iMAPS 20th International Conference & Exhibition on Device Packaging: 5G/6G Roadmap Creation and Packaging Challenges (March 19, 2024; Fountain Hills, Arizona USA)
5G/6G MAESTRO Publishes Materials Development and Electrical Test Roadmap
(December 19, 2023)
  IPC APEX EXPO/Electronic Circuits World Convention (ECWC16): Special Event: mmWave Material and Test Roadmap and Standard Development (April 10, 2024; Anaheim, California USA)
5G/6G MAESTRO Roadmap on Low Loss Dielectric Materials Characterization Available Online (August 18, 2023)
MAESTRO Releases Technology and Market Assessment of 5G/6G Technologies (June 16, 2023)