Characterization of Pb-Free Alloy Alternatives, Phase 1
Statement of Work
- Statement of Work (Version 2.1; June 15, 2009)
- Addendum to Statement of Work (Version 3.2; June 2, 2015)
This initiative is a follow-on to the Pb-Free Alloy Alternatives Project. The project team is now working on characterization of Pb-free alloy alternatives, with two main thrusts:
- The first is to characterize the thermal fatigue and acceleration behavior of alternative alloys through accelerated thermal cycle testing.
- The second is to develop a set of test data requirements that will allow OEMs and others to evaluate alloy properties against their requirements.
These requirements and recommended testing methods will be proposed to the IPC Solder Products Value Council to consider for standardization.
The Project team is well into planning discussions on the follow-on effort. The list of possible activities has been narrowed to a handful, and the team is currently in the process of down selecting those judged to be of highest interest and value. The team is meeting weekly to identify the elements and finalize the SOW.
iNEMI Pb-Free Alloy Characterization Papers at SMTA 2012 (as originally published in the 2012 SMTA International Conference Proceedings).