New Packaging Technology Qualification Methodology
End-of-Project Webinar
End-of-project webinar presentation (February 19, 2020)
Statement of Work & Project Statement
- Statement of Work (Version 1.0; July 7, 2017)
- Project Statement (Version 1.0; July 7, 2017)
- New package technologies are qualified using procedures and test conditions based on past experience with the most similar technology previously qualified.
- While previous experience is important to consider, it cannot be the only criterion.
- Relying too much on experience may result in overlooking new failure modes and/or new wear out mechanisms.
- Current test standards may not capture the reliability risk in the new package, or may overstress the technology in the new package.
- Lack of understanding of the assembly processes, application environments, and use conditions of all potential end-users (vs targeted end-users) poses challenges when developing the appropriate reliability test plan for new package/materials. For example:
- Test plan only focuses on standard test methodology or complies with the requirements of a few key customers.
- For new technologies field knowledge (failures, issues, etc.) cannot be fed back into the test plan.
- For new materials/package development, test plan completeness is always questionable.
- Proceeding quickly to device qualification in the new package may delay determination of root cause for technology issues for the new package.
- Little effort by industry to come out with a new test standard for new packaging technologies.
Purpose of Project
The purpose of this project is to develop a methodology for qualifying new packaging technology to address the gaps resulting from:
- Lack of understanding of assembly processes.
- Lack of understanding of the interactions of the materials and components within the new package.
- Lack of understanding of the application environment.
- Lack of understanding of the use conditions of all potential end-users.
- Lack of understanding how variations of the packaging and manufacturing process could affect product quality and reliability.
Papers & Presentations
- iNEMI New Package/Material Qualification Methodology Project Summary Report, Public Version (v1.0, June 22, 2020)
- iNEMI New Package/Material Qualification Methodology Project Summary Report, Member Version (v1.0, June 22, 2020) (requires member log-in)
- Webinar: Survey Results (July 9, 2019)
The project team reviewed results of two industry surveys that assessed current methodologies and defined use conditions in order to identify potential gaps in common industry practices. Download the presentation
- Benchmarking of Qualification Methodologies for New Package Technologies and Materials, presented by Feng Xue (IBM Singapore), ICEP 2019, April 18, 2019, Niigata, Japan