Warpage Characterization and Management Program


Packaging technology is aggressively evolving to meet new user demands and requirements. One of the challenges for developing new electronic packages is to understand the dynamic warpage behavior of the package before having the real physical article available. Dynamic warpage characterization of electronic packages is critical for high yield board assembly.

iNEMI had a series of projects addressing warpage issues for organic packages. The project previously titled Warpage Characteristics of Organic Packages has completed four phases addressing metrology challenges, the recent trends of package warpage characteristics, as well as gaps in warpage simulation.

As the project scope has evolved, this series of iNEMI projects has been combined in the Warpage Characterization and Management Program, as an umbrella for warpage-related projects. To date, two new projects have been established under this program:




Warpage is a multi-physics and holistic issue which involves materials, design and manufacturing processes. Participation of researchers and engineers from package designers and manufacturers, EDA and simulation tool providers and equipment suppliers for warpage measurement, as well as industrial organizations and academic institutes is required. We welcome participation from the industry. 


More Information

Contact Haley Fu (haley.fu@inemi.org)