Non-Physical Data Destruction for Enterprise Storage
Section: Sustainable Electronics

Project Leader

Ke Du, Marvell

This project is currently on hold.

Statement of Work & Project Statement

Statement of Work v1.2 (4/28/20)
Project Statement v1.3 (6/5/20)


Eventually, all storage, such as hard disk drives (HDDs), needs to be decommissioned at end of the life. Physical destruction (e.g., shredding and punching) is often the choice to mitigate risk of access to the information on the storage media. This renders limited value recovery from the hardware, while also being an incremental operational expense. 

iNEMI’s Value Recovery project successfully explored and demonstrated techniques to drastically improve value recovery from end-of-life (EOL) HDDs with specific focus on economic and technical feasibility. The promising results showed that if the need for physical destruction could be mitigated, value recovery would increase even more, and EOL operating expense would decrease. 

Project Objectives

The Non-Physical Data Destruction for Enterprise Storage project will address the challenges of data "sanitization" by: 
  • Determining data center expectations for data security and data sanitization at EOL
  • Identifying and demonstrating non-physical means of data sanitization
  • Influencing/promoting further advances in relevant standards and non-physical sanitization technologies
The Non-Physical Data Destruction for Enterprise Storage project is a fast-turn project and open to non-member participants. Contact Mark Schaffer for details.


Call-for-participation webinar presentation (May 18 & 19, 2020)

For Additional Information

Mark Schaffer