Primary Factors in Component Warpage

Chair: Peng
Su, Cisco


Problem Statement

  • No clear understanding of the key contributors to the 1st and 2nd level assembly


  • Identify key material properties (core, core/SM thickness, substrate, design (Cu trace/via), package assembly) and key contributors (die size, thickness) which impacts 1st level and 2nd level for different applications
  • Identify key process parameters (UF, MC, etc.), reflow profile, package pitch, PCB, environmental factors (shipping and storage; moisture effect) which impact warpage
  • Establish understanding to modulate the key contributors

Expected Output

  • A set of primary parameters (materials, design and processes) and the working window to control the warpage through supply chain
  • Recommendation / guidelines for shipping and storage

Statement of Work

  • Statement of Work - Primary Factors in Component Warpage (Version 3.0, September 21, 2010) (initial sign up ended November 8, 2010)

Related Work

For Additional Information

Haley Fu (Asia)
+86 21 5835 3839