iNEMI Presentations at SMTA International 2023

These papers were originally published in the proceedings of the 
SMTA International, October 9 - October 12, 2023
Minneapolis, MN USA


Tuesday, October 10

Session IRR1: Programs Addressing High Reliability and Mission Critical Applications 
Interconnect Research and Reliability (IRR)
A Collaborative Consortia Project to Assess the Effect of Thermal Cycling Dwell Time on the Reliability of High-Performance Solder Alloys,” Richard Coyle,PhD, Nokia Bell Labs
iNEMI project: Characterization of Third Generation High-Reliability Pb-Free Alloys


Wednesday, October 11

Session LTS1: Thermal Cycling Performance of LT Sn-Bi Solder Joints with and without Aging
Low Temperature Solder

The Effect of Thermal Cycling Profile on Thermal Fatigue Performance of an 84-Pin Thin Core BGA with Hybrid, Homogeneous, and Resin Reinforced Low Temperature Solder Interconnects,” Dan Burkholder and Raiyo Aspandiar, Ph.D., Intel Corporation; presented by Raiyo Aspandiar
iNEMI project: BiSn-Based Low-Temperature Soldering Process and Reliability

Session LTS3: Electromigration, Shear and Drop Shock Assessment of Low Temperature Sn-Bi Solder Joints
Comparison of Electromigration in Tin-Bismuth Planar and Bottom Terminated Component Solder Joints,” Prabjit Singh, Ph.D., IBM Corporation
iNEMI project: Electromigration of SnBi Solder for Second-Level Interconnect