Final Assembly Automation and Optimization

Project Co-Leader: Subbu Kandasamy, Universal Instruments

Project Co-Leader: Hassan Aluraibi, Flex

End-of-Project Webinar & Report

When automation or semi-automation of final assembly has been chosen, there are concerns with Cost, Lead Time and Quality.  This project examined those three areas of concern as it related to key processes in the final assembly.  The areas of dispensing, fastening, marking and labeling, parts packaging and presentation, pick and place and welding were reviewed, and the team presented their overview of key issues, best practices and troubleshooting guides during the end-of-project webinar.

Project Statement and Statement of Work


When automation or semi-automation of final assembly has been chosen, there are concerns with cost, lead time and quality.  There is a need to develop and understand best practices that lead to an optimization of the final assembly process. 

Project Objectives

  • Investigate needed flexibility that minimizes cost and identify best practices
  • Best Practices for design for automation = maximize continuous flow (where possible)
  • Best Practices for design for building via assembly lines
  • Best Practices for design for moving from one sub-assembly line to another as you build to a final product
  • Design guidelines for parts and their packaging

Project Focus

  • Develop a uniform set of guidelines, practices and recommendations for automation and main/final assembly
    • Flexibility is needed in reusability, redeployability and reconfigurability which are potentially driven by shorter product lifecycles
  • Definition of communication and interfaces among equipment is needed
    • Between equipment and equipment
    • Between equipment and its ancillary systems 


For Additional Information

Mark Schaffer