iNEMI Member Meeting (Japan) Aug 2017
Presentations from iNEMI Member Meeting
Hosted by Takaoka Toko
Tokyo, Japan
August 4, 2017
Agenda and Introduction
The Members’ Meeting in Japan was held on August 4, 2017, hosted by Takaoka Toko. Eighteen members attended the meeting. Two members talks were made:
- Power Overlay (POL) Technology; Tuominen Risto, GE
Presentation included film based fan-out package technologies to enhance the thermal performances
- Expanded Beam Connector Technology Overview; Yuki Nishiguchi, Senko
Presentation included expanded beam connectors technology overview and project introduction
- iNEMI Roadmap Overview - IoT, Medical Electronics, and Packaging
- iNEMI Projects Update
- Packaging & Component Substrates TIG
- Test TIG
- Organic PCB TIG