iNEMI Roadmap: Co-Chairs Seeking Contributors
We are pleased to announce that co-chairs have been appointed for three priority-wave topics in the refreshed iNEMI Roadmap:
PCB: Tarja Rapala (Technology Director, EIPC) and Joe Beers (Vice President of Sales, Gold Circuit Electronics)
Board Assembly: Jasbir Bath (Owner, Bath Technical Consultancy) and Dr. Paul Wang (Vice President, Mitac International)
Sustainable Electronics: Pia Tanskanen (Head of Environment, Nokia) and Prof. Carol Handwerker (Professor of Materials Engineering, University of Purdue)
Kick-off meetings for these teams will be held in October. If you are interested in contributing to the roadmap, please contact iNEMI Director of Roadmapping Francis Mullany (fmullany@inemi.org) or fill out the expression of interest form, if you haven’t already done so. Participating in these teams is a unique opportunity to shape how the electronics manufacturing ecosystem prioritizes technology R&D in these critical topic areas.
Papers from iNEMI Project Team Receive "Best of Proceedings" Awards from SMTA
The Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) recently announced the Best of Proceedings Paper Awards for the 2021 SMTA International conference, and iNEMI’s BiSn-Based Low-Temperature Soldering Process and Reliability (LTPSR) project was recognized for two separate papers:
Congratulations to Richard and Jagadeesh, along with members of the LTSPR project team: Aileen Allen (HP, Inc.); Babak Arfaei (Binghamton University); Raiyo Aspandiar, Dan Burkholder and Antonio Caputo (Intel Corporation); Qin Chen (Eunow); Derek Daily (Senju Comtek Corp.); Haley Fu (iNEMI); Pubudu Goonetilleke (Intel Corporation); Faramarz Hadian (Nokia); Carol Handwerker (Purdue University); Ralph Lauwaert (Interflux Electronic); Kei Murayama (Shinko Electric Industries); Francis Mutuku (Indium Corporation); Sahana Kempaiah (Rochester institute of Technology); Anto Raj (formerly Nokia); Morgana Ribas (MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions); Murali Sarangapani (Heraeus Materials); Vasu Vasudevan (Dell Technologies); Daniel Werkhoven (Heraeus Materials); and Hongwen Zhang (Indium Corporation).
We also want to congratulate two of the LTSPR project team members who are winners of the SMTA 2022 Members Distinction Award. Richard Coyle, PhD (Nokia Bell Labs) will receive the Technical Distinction Award, and Morgana Ribas (MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions) will receive the Excellence in International Leadership Award at the SMTA International Conference this year (October 30-November 3).
See You at Upcoming Fall Conferrences
iNEMI staff members will be attending industry conferences this fall. If you’re planning to be at any of the following events and would like to schedule a meeting, please get in touch.
- iNEMI is hosting a roadmap workshop session at ASME’s InterPACK (October 25-27). iNEMI’s Director of Roadmapping Francis Mullany and iNEMI CEO Shekhar Chandrashekhar are facilitators for the workshop and will be attending the conference. If you’re going to InterPACK and can’t attend the workshop but would like to know more about the iNEMI Roadmap and how to get involved, please contact Francis to schedule an onsite meeting (fmullany@inemi.org). If you want to learn more about iNEMI’s activities overall, contact Shekhar (shekhar.chandrashekhar@inemi.org). See Upcoming Events (below) for details about the roadmap workshop.
- CEO Shekhar Chandrashekhar will also be attending SMTA International (October 31-November 3). Get in touch if you’d like to meet during to conference to talk about what’s ahead, your ideas about new collaborative opportunities, or to learn how to become more engaged with iNEMI. Email Shekhar at shekhar.chandrashekhar@inemi.org.
iNEMI Presentation at IWCS Cable & Connectivity Industry Forum (October 12; Providence, Rhode Island) — Tatiana Berdinskikh (Senko Advanced Components) will present “Development of Best Practices and Guidelines for the Use of Expanded Beam Connectors in Data Center Applications,” in Session 3: Advances in Optical Connectivity (8:00-11:55 a.m., Room 554). The presentation is based on results from iNEMI’s Best Practices for Expanded Beam Connectors in Data Centers project. See the article below about the end-of-project webinar scheduled for this project on November 10 and 11.
iNEMI Roadmap Workshop at InterPACK (October 25; Garden Grove, California) — An iNEMI Roadmap workshop session is scheduled on Tuesday, October 25, 10:15-11:45 a.m, at ASME’s International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems (InterPACK). The focus of the workshop will be on market and technology drivers for advanced packaging. iNEMI’s Director of Roadmapping Francis Mullany, along with CEO Shekhar Chandrashekhar, are session facilitators. Francis will also be participating in Panel 8: Heterogeneous Integration Roadmapping later that day (4:00-5:30 p.m.). Panel participants will discuss various roadmapping efforts for heterogeneous integration and how they can complement each other to strengthen and unify direction in the industry.
iNEMI Presentation at IMPACT 2022 (October 27; Taipei, Taiwan) — “The Effects of Voids on Solder Joint Reliability in First Level Interconnect,” will be presented by Sze Pei Lim (Indium), representing iNEMI’s 1st Level Interconnect Void Characterization project at the International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology (IMPACT) conference. The presentation is part of session S12: Advanced Bonding and Interconnect Technology on October 27. iNEMI is a co-organizer of this event which will be held at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
End-of-Project Webinar: Extended Reliability Assessment for Electronic Components (October 27 & 28) — Phase 1 of the Extended Reliability Assessment for Electronic Components project identified component-level parts that would be the most valuable to a range of users in the electronics industry. In addition, the team identified several possible testing scenarios based on potential use conditions and began identifying ways to conduct testing for extended reliability. This project report-out will review the findings and recommendations of the team as well as identify next steps for Phase 2. For additional information, contact Mark Schaffer (marks@inemi.org)
iNEMI Survey Report: Use of AOI to Inspect Fine Pitch Circuit Patterns (October 27/28) — Phase 4 of the iNEMI Panel Level Package Fine Pitch Circuit Inspection/Metrology project conducted a survey to evaluate and assess the limits of automated optical inspection (AOI) equipment for inspection of fine pitch circuit patterns on advanced substrates in wafer or panel form. This survey specifically focused on inspection capabilities for substrate circuit patterns with line spaces 10um and finer. Join us for this webinar that will report results from the survey and introduce next steps for the project. The project team plans to design test vehicles (TVs) based on survey feedback about critical defect types and mode detection and use the TVs to study AOI equipment/system capabilities, including circuit pattern quality checks by defect levels and impedance. For additional information, please contact M. Tsuriya (m.tsuriya@inemi.org).
iNEMI Workshop on Reliability Challenges & Solutions for Automotive Electronics (October 30; Shanghai) — Join iNEMI and host ZESTRON in Shanghai for a workshop on the reliability requirements and challenges posed by the ever-increasing electronics found in today’s automobiles. With speakers from NIO, SAIC-VW, Continental, ESI Automotive (MacDermid Alpha), IMI, Infineon, UAES, and Binjiang Institute of Zhejiang University, the workshop will provide an interactive forum where participants can discuss and share knowledge and experiences on topics such as:
- Material and technology trends for automotive electronics
- Current reliability issues of the electronics in EVs, including PCBs, solder joints, components and subsystems
- Material characterization, failure analysis, reliability modeling, standards and specifications
- Knowledge gaps and collaboration opportunities to address common issues facing the automotive supply chain to speed material and technology development and to mitigate reliability risks and improve yield and quality
For additional information, please contact Haley Fu (haley.fu@inemi.org).
iNEMI Presentations at SMTA International (October 31-November 3; Minneapolis, Minnesota) — Three iNEMI project teams will be presenting at the SMTAI conference this year. See the iNEMI calendar for additional details re: sessions and times.
- “Thermal Fatigue Reliability of 1206 Thermal Fatigue Reliability of a 1206 Chip Resistor with High-Performance Pb-Free Solder Alloys,” presented by Tim Pearson (Collins Aerospace)
- “Thermal Cycling Performance of Hybrid, Homogenous and Resin Reinforced Low Temperature Solder Ball Grid Array Interconnects,” presented by Richard Coyle (Nokia)
- “The Effect of Thermal Cycling Profile on Thermal Fatigue Performance of a 192-Pin Chip Array BGA with Hybrid, Homogeneous, and Resin Reinforced Low Temperature Solder Interconnects,” presented by Dan Burkholder (Intel)
- “Conformal Coating Testing in Various Test Environments,” presented by Prabjit Singh (IBM)
End-of-Project Webinar: Best Practices for Expanded Beam Connectors in Data Centers (November 10 & 11) — Data center construction and operation costs are significant. This project focused on the development of best testing practices and guidelines for the use of expanded beam connectors in data center applications. The project team investigated the impact of dust and oil contamination on insertion loss and return loss of expanded beam connectors, air-gap connectors, and physical contact connectors. This webinar will describe the experimental procedure developed, including apparatus for application of airborne dust particles and wet contamination, and report highlights of the results. The cost and time savings due to the installation and implementation of expanded beam connectors will also be discussed. For additional information, contact Steve Payne (steve.payne@inemi.org).
iNEMI Presentation at EPTC 2022 (December 7-9, 2022; Singapore) — Sze Pei Lim (Indium), will present “Low Temperature Material for 1st Level Interconnect in Semiconductor Packaging” at IEEE’s Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC) in December. Watch the iNEMI calendar for details re: session date and time. Click here for information about the project.
Presentations & Papers Available |
- iNEMI Presentation at ECOC 2022 (September 22; Basel, Switzerland) — “Demonstration of a Single-Mode Expanded-Beam Connectorized Module for Photonic Integrated Circuits,” Kamil Gradkowski (Tyndall National Institute)