Implementation of Materials Declaration Management Standards

iNEMI's Materials Composition Data Exchange and RoHS Materials Declarations projects worked together to develop an extensible industry-standard materials declaration format and process that would aid companies in acquiring and exchanging  material composition data as required to demonstrate RoHS compliance and to meet WEEE end-of-life requirements.  Their work leveraged other industry efforts, such as the EIA/JGPSSI/JEDEC Joint Industry Guide for Material Composition Declaration of Electronic Products, which defines the specifics of what needs to be reported (substances and methodology).  The recommendations from the two projects served as the basis for IPC-1752, Materials Declaration Management.  This standard defines a data collection process flow and data format for industry-standard material composition data exchange.  The IPC standard is expected to be published in early 2006, and iNEMI is organizing this follow-on project to help ensure rapid adoption of the new standard.  iNEMI plans to bring together users and suppliers to encourage rapid implementation of solutions that meet the requirements of IPC-1752.