Fiber Connector End-Face Inspection, Phases 1 & 2

Chair:  Tatiana Berdinskikh, Celestica

End of Project Webinar: Fiber Connector End-Face Inspection Project, Phase 2
Dr. Tatiana Berdinskikh (Celestica) 
(March 23, 2009; members only)

End of Project Webinar: Fiber Connector End-Face Inspection Project, Phase 1
Dr. Tatiana Berdinskikh, Dr. Sun-Yuan Huang, Douglas H. Wilson
(January 24, 2007; members only)

This project is developing requirements for an industry-wide standard for cleanliness of fiber optic connectors. It builds on experimental data assembled by the Fiber Optic Signal Performance Project regarding the influence of contamination/scratches on optical signal performance, and will extend research efforts to include development of visual inspection criteria for polished connector, multimode fiber and receptacle-type connectors. This follow-on project will develop requirements for allowable surface defects, such as scratches, pits and contamination. Based on experimental data and the results of mathematical modeling, the group plans to define the zone criteria and pass/fail visual requirements for polished connectors, single mode fiber. They will also develop specifications for dust cap cleanliness, including requirements for the design and material of the dust cap and test methods.

The project team is collaborating with the International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC), Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and IPC. Specifications will be jointly submitted to IEC's Working Group 6 (interconnecting devices) for incorporation with IEC 61300-3-35, and to IPC as a subordinate standard to the existing IPC-0040 standard (Optoelectronic Assembly and Packaging Technology). In addition, iNEMI is collaborating with TIA and IPC on the development of cleaning methods and contamination assessment for Level 1 and Level 2 optical assembly.

Scope of Work


    Fiber Connector End-Face Inspection Project and Optoelectronics TIG Meetings, OFC/NFOEC 2009 Conference, March 23, 2009, San Diego, CA

    Development of Cleanliness Specification for Single-Mode Connectors with 1.25 and 2.5 mm Ferrules, iNEMI Fiber Optic End-Face Inspection Project, Tatiana Berdinskikh (Celestica), Sun-Yuan Huang (Intel), Mike Hughes (US Conec), Heather Tkalec (Alcatel) and Doug Wilson (PVI Systems), IEC meeting, Quebec City, October 16, 2006

    Fiber Connector End-Face Inspection Project and Optoelectronics TIG Meetings, OFC/NFOEC 2006 Conference, March 6, 2006, Anaheim, CA

    Development of Cleanliness Specification for Single-Mode Connectors, Tatiana Berdinskikh, PhD (Celestica), Future in Optoelectronic Technology, February 22, 2005 at IPC Printed Circuits Expo/APEX/Designers Summit, February 22-24, 2005, Anaheim, CA

    iNEMI Optoelectronics TIG Gap Analysis & Project Meetings at OFC/NFOEC 2005 (March 7, 2005; Anaheim, CA)

Additional Information

    Four RL outliers

    Fiber Optic Cleaning Overview, Steve Lytle, Westover Scientific, March 10, 2004.